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March 19, 2008


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Rugrat ran a fever today. Babies this age usually do not have fevers for no reason, so Rugrat's parents were quite concerned. Later her mom thought that since Monkey's first fever was due to teething, maybe Rugrat was cutting teeth. She half seriously mentioned this possibility to Amah, who then said she noticed some white bumps a week ago but couldn't believe that babies this young would already be teething. Well, that prompted the mom to pry open Rugrat's mouth to take a peek. Yes, Rugrat is cutting teeth, and there are two of them.

In a sense it was a relief to know why she had a fever, but isn't it true that girls who teethe early may have prematurity problems down the road? Hmm. She is growing a bit too fast.

Here is a good reason to stay in CA. We think it might be biased because there are only two West Coast states on the top 10 list and the rest is all on the East Coast. A very typical list where the Midwest gets overlooked or omitted. It would be nice if they provide reasons why all other states are not as safe as the top 10.

Posted by Mike at March 19, 2008 10:23 PM
