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September 05, 2008

Tummy Time


Rugrat is sick. No fever yet, just runny nose. She had a runny nose before, but this time it seems serious enough that she may have ear infections. We are really hoping she can be spared from that.

She didn't sleep well last night. She would sleep for an hour or two and then wake up crying because she couldn't breathe. Of course only Mommy took care of her. Mommy tried many things including Benadryl but nothing helped. At 4 in the morning, she was finally too exhausted to deal with Rugrat, so she put her in the infant carseat and left her sleeping in the living room. Rugrat whined a little and then she slept until 7. Probably the best nap she had all night. I guess sleeping in the upright position helped with the drainage.

I really hope she won't get ear infections.

Posted by Mike at September 5, 2008 09:46 PM
