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January 01, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Rugrat does not have any resolutions.

However, RugratMama is wondering if she should be put on allowance. Kind of early; even earlier than Monkey. Today Rugrat helped her mom to count quarters. She asked her mom where her piggy bank is and if she can go get one. That was an short interesting conversation. RugratMama wanted to get her the same bank that Monkey has, but the manufacturer went out of business, so she is still shopping for one.

As for RugratMama's New Year resolutions, she announced that she would adopt a more Chinese approach toward finances. RugratDaddy was very confused, he thought that she wanted to lend more money to the U.S. government.

RugratMama had to explain that she planned to pay off all debt, including the mortgage, and then buy two more houses and pay them off as soon as possible. Usually at this point the Chinese parents will deed the houses to their offspring when they get married, but RugratMama will take a different approach here. She will give the houses to the children if they get MD degrees in plastic surgery. No plastic surgery degree, no house.

Posted by Mike at January 1, 2011 11:41 PM
